"DN42 est un réseau décentralisé qui est ouvert à tout le monde et qui a pour objectif de reproduire à petite échelle le fonctionnement d'Internet. Il s'agit d'un réseau superposé à Internet et utilisant des VPNs pour pouvoir être accessible. Son but premier est d'être un réseau d'expérimentations et de recherche, notamment pour apprendre à utiliser des technologies comme BGP, OSPF ou encore RPKI."
One of the big lie's of the Internet is that "email is hard and you shouldn't do it yourself".
Filters examples inside...
iblock is an inetd program adding the client IP to a Packet Filter table.
It is meant to be used to block scanner connecting on unused ports.
Upon connection, the IP is added to a PF table and all established connections with this IP are killed. You need to use a PF bloking rule using the table.
pf-badhost is a fast, bi-directional network filtering utility powered by the PF firewall. pf-badhost blocks many of the internet's biggest irritants - annoyances such as SSH and SMTP bruteforcers are largely eliminated. Shodan scans and bots looking for webservers to abuse are stopped dead in their tracks. When used to filter outbound traffic, pf-badhost blocks many seedy, spooky malware containing web hosts
Kubernetes relies on Linux containers and cgroups, so you can't run Kubernetes or even docker containers directly on OpenBSD, but Alpine Lin...
"For all the people who want to know what our setup looks like. Below is a write-up of our setup and configuration. There are only a handful packages installed on the servers running the Virtual Machines."
"Welcome to my comprehensive guide on recording audio and desktop screen on OpenBSD. In this blog post, I’m excited to share my personal setup and approach to efficiently capturing high-quality audio and video on one of the most secure and stable operating systems available."
"The OpenBSD virtual machine daemon works pretty well with Linux VMs nowadays. This was time for me to see if I could replace the Synology Docker service with some Docker host provided by vmd(8)."