Gitleaks is an open source (MIT licensed) secret scanner for git repositories, files, directories, and stdin. With over 20 million docker downloads, 19k GitHub stars, 14 million GitHub downloads, thousands of weekly clones, and over 850k homebrew installs, gitleaks is the most trusted open source secret scanner among security professionals, enterprises, and developers. Gitleaks is maintained by Zach Rice.
Encrypted, Compressed, and Deduplicated Backups Using the Cloud Storage You Pick.
Cool themes for refind boot manager
rEFInd is a boot manager, meaning that it presents a menu of options to the user when the computer first starts up, as shown below. rEFInd is not a boot loader, which is a program that loads an OS kernel and hands off control to it. Many popular boot managers, such as the Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB), are also boot loaders, which can blur the distinction in many users' minds. All EFI-capable OSes include boot loaders, so this limitation isn't a problem. If you're using Linux, you should be aware that several EFI boot loaders are available, so choosing between them can be a challenge.
Novops help manage secrets and configurations to avoid keeping them (often insecurely) in gitignored folders, forgotten on your machine and spread around CI and server configs.
"DN42 est un réseau décentralisé qui est ouvert à tout le monde et qui a pour objectif de reproduire à petite échelle le fonctionnement d'Internet. Il s'agit d'un réseau superposé à Internet et utilisant des VPNs pour pouvoir être accessible. Son but premier est d'être un réseau d'expérimentations et de recherche, notamment pour apprendre à utiliser des technologies comme BGP, OSPF ou encore RPKI."