Git est compliqué : c'est facile de tout foirer et foutrement impossible de réparer ses erreurs. La documentation de Git tient du problème de l'œuf et de la poule : pour y chercher comment vous sortir du bordel il faut déjà connaître le truc qu'il faut savoir pour résoudre votre problème.
In the vein of infrastructure as code OctoDNS provides a set of tools & patterns that make it easy to manage your DNS records across multiple providers. The resulting config can live in a repository and be deployed just like the rest of your code, maintaining a clear history and using your existing review & workflow.
Zeek (formerly Bro) is the world’s leading platform for network security monitoring.
pgBackRest aims to be a reliable, easy-to-use backup and restore solution that can seamlessly scale up to the largest databases and workloads by utilizing algorithms that are optimized for database-specific requirements.
ERP beyond your fridge - grocy is a web-based self-hosted groceries & household management solution for your home.